Custom Development

Custom Development and Business Automation

Decision Design builds two main types of custom software applications New Software Products that are sold by our clients to their customers and Software Systems that our clients use to support their internal business operations.

Having successfully delivered a variety of these applications across a broad spectrum of industries, Decision Design is distinctly qualified to fulfill your new product or internal systems development needs.

You don’t need us to tell you how important getting your internal business processes working effectively and efficiently is to your bottom line. In today’s economy, every organization is under continuing pressure to improve operational efficiencies and accelerate new revenue opportunities by automating manual processes wherever possible. Having been in the business for 30 years, Decision Design understands this and is ready to help you deliver the results your company needs.

Delivering Everything Your Customers Need

When you choose Decision Design to develop your new software product you benefit from a long history of proven software experience. Benefits our clients appreciate include:

Full Service From Beginning To End

We are not a contract labor company renting your our programmers. We manage the entire process: planning, design, development, implementation and support of your product using our highly experienced product development staff.

Intellectual Property Protection

The product we develop for you remains yours, without royalties or licensing fees. You always own the products of our labor. It’s that simple. You Own Your Code.

Proven Success

We’ve developed software products for sale for many clients in many industries. We understand what it takes to bring a product to market and are here to guide you through the elements of GUI and UX design, capacity design, browser and OS compatibility, testing, product branding, and promotional support.

Customized for YOUR Business

Our typical client has a process or product that they have been doing manually, on paper, or by spreadsheet. They have often made attempts to automate their manual process using some kind of technology, but have come to realize that they need help. Our clients outsource their automation projects to us for a few key reasons:


With extensive experience to draw on, Decision Design is an expert at building software that adapts to your business.

Resource Availability

IT departments are often jammed with projects, but do not want to add permanent staff. Application outsourcing is a perfect solution that gets you the application you need without over taxing your internal staff.

Fast Growth

Many clients have grown so quick they need to quickly automate a manual task their business has come to rely on. Decision Design specializes in fast turnaround application development, creating applications as fast as you need them.


Most of our clients know an “off the shelf“ product is not flexible enough to meet their business’ needs. They turn to us because we have experience in all types of industries automating all types of processes.

In Areas You Need Most

Because Decision Design has been successfully partnering with companies for 30 years, we have broad experience automating all the tasks that today’s businesses need. Through our work, we have found that software systems usually fall into one of a few categories:

Work Flow Applications: Doing your Business Better

Workflow applications automate a business process into a chronological flow from start to completion. These systems incorporate a chain of people, in series and in parallel, enhancing collaboration and ensuring approvals. Paper-based workflow requires forms to be moved, signed, and filed. Automated workflow is about streamlining and efficient retrieval. A great improvement.

Examples of work flow systems we have built include:

Inventory and Warehouse Management

Warehouse Management, Customer Order Entry, Shipping and Carrier Integration, Inventory Optimization, RF automation, Pick and Pack, Conveyor Systems

Human Resources Systems

Performance Assessment, Interview Candidate Management, Skills Assessment, Bonus Tracking, Competency Assessment, Performance Development Planning

Litigation Systems

IP Docketing, Court transcript and document transcript systems, Patent Search, Trademark Search

Accounting and Purchasing Systems

PO Tracking, Asset Management, Billing and Invoicing

Sales and Marketing Systems

Including marketing campaign automation, lead tracking, sales process automation

Analytical Systems: Doing your Business Smarter

These are applications that automate the analysis of your business, providing aggregated data for different functional areas to allow you to make decisions smarter. Analytical systems include scientific and engineering trending and diagnosis, using formulas, charting, metrics, and real time response. Analytical systems also include factory automation trending, production statistics, and real time production and inventory monitoring. Analytical systems provide the knowledge and quick information to make decisions.

Examples of Analytical Systems we have built include:

  • Analytical Trending, Diagnostics, Process Control, Data Analytics on Industrial Systems
  • Performance Metric Systems, Dashboarding, Key Performance Indicators
  • Automotive Assembly Line Data Tracking

Industrial Automation: Doing your Business Cheaper

The modern factory is an amazing combination of advanced computer automation and traditional human labor. Industrial automation systems provide the foundation for labor savings and quality improvements. Factory automation systems include PLC programming, I/O design, real time systems, and embedded code. It includes integration with Rockwell, AB, Intellution, and other industrial automation systems.

Examples of Industrial Automation and Embedded Systems we have built include:

  • Warehouse Robotics
  • Digital Signage System - Warehouse Metrics Display
  • Shampoo Batch Manufacturing/Process Control
  • Drivers for Chromatography Analysis Devices
  • Automating parts, inventory stocking, bar code systems, and ERP integration
  • PCL Automation, Circuit Board Testing, Inspection Stations